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Amazon delivers via drone

Today i saw amazons new plan to send packages in 30 minutes or less via drone. I think this is a great idea for people who needs things fast such as hospitals,warehouses, small businesses etc. This could be the future of all online shopping. Imagine wanting to buy a christmas present for your son or daughter and getting it delivered to your home in 30 minutes for you to wrap on christmas eve ! Even though this sounds like a great idea and the prototype looks nice there are some cons to this new technology. For one the drone can not fly in bad weather meaning for people in new England it will be hard to use this service. Two it only carries up to 10 pound products so if you want something heavy delivered to your house your going to have to wait. Three security reasons people walking down the street see a robot coming from the sky with a package can walk up to your door step before you even see it coming and take your stuff. And  my final negative is there could be problems with the drone it self like if it dies mid air if it runs out of battery life etc. I think amazons idea is great but they have a lot of work ahead of them before you see a robot fly into your front yard. 

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